Formerly known as Miền Tây Bắc, or the Northwestern Region, we are Liên Đoàn Inhaxiô Loyola, also known as the Ignatius of Loyola League of Chapters. We are one of eleven league of chapters that are under the jurisdiction of the Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Movement in the USA. Currently, we consist of eleven active chapters in the states of Washington and Oregon.
Our league of chapters is named after Saint Ignatius of Loyola who helped establish the religious order called the Society of Jesuits.
He was a Spanish Catholic priest who lived between 1491 and 1556. As a young man, Saint Ignatius desired fame through his accomplishments in his military career. However, in 1521, he had to quit the military in order to recover from a broken right leg. While recovering from his injury, Ignatius was spiritually converted and discerned to the call to religious life. Since then, he dedicated his life to teaching and missionary work. In 1556, he died in Rome. Then, in 1609, he was beautified by Pope Paul V and would later be canonized and given the title of Saint by Pope Gregory XV on March 12th of 1622.
Since he is our Liên Đoàn's patron saint, we celebrate his feast day on July 31st and pray that we too can, "go forth and set fire to the world" like he did.
To educate and train youths in becoming a better person as well as an excellent Christian.
- To organize and to guide all youths in spreading the Good News of the Gospel and to actively be involved in working for the good of society through charitable services and helping others.
The Eucharistic Youth Movement utilizes God's Word in the Scriptures and the teachings of the Catholic Church as the basis for educating and guiding the youth in its activities.
Eucharistic Youth Movement accepts Jesus Christ in the Eucharist as its focal point, source of spiritual life, and idol for the life of its members.